
Outreach at Columbia Engineering
Columbia Engineering Outreach Programs aim to provide greater accessibility to academic and professional opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, especially for traditionally underrepresented local stakeholders. Through community engagement, we enhance the quality and reach of learning at all levels. Programs connect local K-12 students and educators with the world-class STEM resources at Columbia Engineering, including on-campus and in-school education and enrichment opportunities.

Harlem Biospace
Harlem Biospace is a community of biotech innovators and scientifically-minded citizens who will build a frictionless model for turning revolutionary biotech ideas into products that solve real health problems. There is no industry sector more in need of innovation than health and biotech. But unlike software, biotech research requires wet-lab space and expensive equipment. Harlem Biospace aims to reduce the barrier for turning biotech ideas into products and inspire the next generation of talented scientists to work on health technologies.

HYPOTHEkids Maker Lab
The Hk Maker Lab is an intensive six-week summer program to learn the foundations of design. Focusing on addressing a health problem, participants will design, prototype and test a biomedical device and develop an associated business plan. The program will culminate in a presentation to leading executives from the biomedical community. The Hk Maker Lab projects might then be incubated using the state-of-the-art facilities at Harlem Biospace.

BioMedX (Bioengineering Technology Accelerator)
The Columbia Biomedical Engineering Technology Accelerator (formerly the Columbia-Coulter Translational Research Partnership) aims to catalyze the advancement of biomedical technologies by providing funding, education, resources and mentorship to teams of clinicians, engineers and scientists working to develop solutions to clinical unmet needs, with the ultimate goal of bringing innovative research out of the lab to benefit society.

Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
The Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research offers comprehensive support for translational research, biomedical informatics, biostatistics, research design, data management, bioethics, regulatory issues, core facilities, community engagement, education and career development.
Other sites for National Centers for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering funded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB).
Biotechnology Resource Center of Biomodular Multi-Scale Systems CBM2 for Precision Molecular Diagnostics
Steven Soper, PhD
University of Kansas Lawrence
Lawrence, KS
Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research, CAI2R
Daniel K. Sodickson MD, PhD
New York University School of Medicine
Ithaca, NY
Center for Biomedical OCT Research and Translation, CBORT
Brett E. Bouma, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA
Center for Engineering Complex Tissues
John Fisher, PhD
College Park, MD
Center for Functional Neuroimaging Technologies
Bruce R. Rosen, MD, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, MA
Center for Modular Manufacturing of Structural Tissues
Arnold I. Caplan, PhD
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Center for Molecular Imaging Technology and Translation (CMITT)
Georges El Fakhri, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, MA
Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation (CRNC)
David Kennedy, PhD
Univ of Massachusetts Med School
Worcester, MA
Center for Reproducible Systems for Biomedical Modeling
Herbert Sauro, PhD
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Center for Virtual Imaging Trials
Ehsan Samei, PhD
Duke University
Durham, NC
CWRU Center for Multimodal Evaluation of Engineered Cartilage
Arnold Caplan, PhD
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center
Daniel B. Vigneron, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Johns Hopkins Translational ImmunoEngineering
Jonathan Schneck, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Laser Biomedical Research Center, LBRC
Peter So, PhD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
mHealth Center for Discovery, Optimization, and Translation of Temporally-Precise Interventions (mDOT)
Santosh Kumar
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Mobilize Center: Models for Mobile Sensing and Precision Rehabilitation
Scott Delp, PhD
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
National Center for Adaptive Neurotechnologies, NCAN
Jonathan Wolpaw, MD
Albany Research Institute, Inc.
Albany, NY
National Center for Image-guided Therapy (NCIGT)
Clare Tempany, MD
Brigham And Women’s Hospital
Boston MA
Neuroimaging Analysis Center (NAC)
Carl-Fredrik Westin, PhD
Brigham And Women’s Hospital
Boston, MA
Resource for Quantitative Functional MRI
Peter C.M. van Zijl, PhD
Hugo W. Moser Res Inst Kennedy Krieger
Baltimore, MD
Resource for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging
Ravinder Reddy, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Resource for Molecular Imaging Agents in Precision Medicine
Martin Pomper, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Surface Analysis Facility for Biomedical Problems
David G. Castner, PhD
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Technology to Realize the Full Potential of UHF MRI
Kamil Ugurbil, PhD
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
The PET Radiotracer Translation and Resource Center (PET-RTRC)
Robert Gropler
Washington University
St. Louis, MO